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Blast - Basic Local Alignment Search Tool

There is BLAST (called legacy BLAST) and a newer BLAST+ from NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) and it can be confusing. The program names and functions in blast and blast+ are quite different.
See NCBI Homepage: and


Also called legacy blast, it is based on the NCBI C-toolkit.
These old versions can be found here:
Filenames are of the form: blast-#.#.#-CHIP-OS.tar.gz

Some of these versions have been installed under /shared/opt/ with directory names with legacy at the end like ncbi-blast-2.2.26_legacy.


Newer one based on the NCBI C++ toolkit.
All versions are found here:
The latest version is found here:
Filenames are of the form: ncbi-blast-#.#.#+-CHIP-OS.tar.gz
Versions from 2.2.18 onwards.

Some of these versions have been installed under /shared/opt/ with directory names with a plus at the end like ncbi-blast-2.2.22+.