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PBS Manuals

You will find the full PBS manuals for the current version of PBS in this directory /shared/eresearch/pbs_manuals/ on the HPC.

You will probably find that the “User Guide” is all you will really need.

Guide Filename Size
Admin Guide PBSAdmin Guide2024.1.pdf 8.5 MB
Hooks Guide PBSHooks2024.1.pdf 7.8 MB
Programming Guide PBSProgramGuide2024.1.pdf 1.5 MB
Reference Guide PBSReferenceGuide2024.1.pdf 4.9 MB
Release Notes PBS_RN_2024.1.pdf 2.1 MB
User Guide PBSUserGuide2024.1.pdf 2.8 MB

To download one of these manuals create a directory for the manuals and copy the manual into that directory. In the example below don’t forget the dot at the end. A “dot” is shorthand for the current directory that you are in.

$ mkdir pbs_manuals
$ cd pbs_manuals
$ cp /shared/eresearch/pbs_manuals/PBSUserGuide2024.1.pdf .