NCI is Australia’s high-performance research computing facility for researchers, government and industry. NCI’s newest HPC is Gadi. This is a 4,962 node supercomputer comprising the latest generation Intel CPUs and Nvidia V100 and DGX A100 GPUs.
Gadi when comissioned was ranked at number 27 on the worlds TOP 500 list. See the NCI Media Release
The UTS has an allocation on Gadi of about 4 million core-hours (about 0.25% of gadi) per year for the use of our researchers. We can allocate these resources per project per quarter at any time. We are keen for researchers that have a track record of using our HPC, and whose code uses multiple cores, to use Gadi. Contact us for information.
Acknowledging Use of NCI Resources¶
If you use Gadi on NCI funded by our UTS alocation then please use:
“This research was undertaken with the assistance of resources from Research Technology, University of Technology Sydney, and the National Computational Infrastructure (NCI Australia), an NCRIS enabled capability supported by the Australian Government.”
The above is just combining what is required by NCI i.e. “This research was undertaken with the assistance of resources from the National Computational Infrastructure (NCI Australia), an NCRIS enabled capability supported by the Australian Government.” from and prepending that resources like the NCI funding was paid by Research Technology, UTS.