Using Modules¶
Some programs may have multiple versions on the HPC or require some setup prior
to using them such as setting the PATH environment variable. The module
simplifies this for users.
For the full manual on the module package type man module
List available Modules¶
Here we list the available modules:
$ module avail
----------------- /etc/modulefiles -----------------
cuda-11.3 cuda-11.4 cuda-11.5 cuda-11.8 cuda-12.1 cuda-12.4 cuda-12.5 cuda-12.8
cuda-latest java-1.8.0 java-17 java-20 matlab-2017b openmpi-4.1.5 openmpi-latest
Depending on what groups your in there may be many more modules listed.
For instance, if your in the C3 group you can add the line below to your
file. You will need to logout and log back in again for the
to be reloaded.
export MODULEPATH=/shared/c3/apps/modules:$MODULEPATH
If your in the Remote Sensing Group you can add this line:
export MODULEPATH=/shared/rsg/apps/modules/:$MODULEPATH
If the command module avail
shows more than a screenful then press the space
bar to continue.
Loading and Unloading Modules¶
If we wish to use CUDA 12.5 (i.e. specifically version 12.5) we would load that module. Below we can see how loading the module prepends the path to that CUDA version to our existing path:
$ echo $PATH
$ module load cuda-12.5
$ echo $PATH
Now unload the module to return to our default environment:
$ module unload cuda-12.5
$ echo $PATH
You will also notice there is a cuda-latest
module. That will always load the
latest CUDA version, in this case cuda-12.8
You can load multiple modules. A module will not load if there is an incompatability.
Other Module Commands¶
List the currrently loaded modules:
$ module list
Display information about a module:
$ module display modulefile (e.g. module display cuda-12.5)
Color Output¶
If you want colored output from the module command you can add the --color
option to the module command or set export MODULES_COLOR="always"
in your
$ module display cuda-12.8 --color
What’s in a Module File?¶
You can have a look at what a module does as its a plain text file.
$ cat /etc/modulefiles/cuda-12.8
#%Module 1.0
# CUDA 12.8 module
prepend-path PATH /usr/local/cuda-12.8/bin
prepend-path MANPATH /usr/local/cuda-12.8/doc/man
prepend-path LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/local/cuda-12.8/lib64
Environment Modules