Current total CPU usage 19% 180 / 912 cores.
Current memory usage 6% 900 / 13124 GB.
Current jobs 12.
In the table below the CPU Usage is shown as assigned/available; Memory Usage is assigned/available in GB.
If a node is a GPU node then GPU usage is assigned/available and job submission may be restricted to those in the GPU queue group.
This information and additional detailed information on each node can be found by running
"pbsnodes -a".
Node | Status / Comment | CPU & GPU Usage | Memory Usage (GB) | Jobs |
c3node03 | OK (free) / | 0 | ||
cinode01 | OK (free) / | 1 | ||
hpcnode02 | OK (free) / | 0 | ||
hpcnode03 | OK (free) / | 6 | ||
hpcnode04 | OK (free) / | 0 | ||
hpcnode05 | OK (free) / | 1 | ||
hpcnode06 | OK (free) / | 0 | ||
hpcnode07 | OK (free) / | 0 | ||
hpcnode08 | OK (free) / | 0 | ||
hpcnode09 | OK (free) / | 0 | ||
hpcnode11 | OK (job-busy) / GPU Node | 2 | ||
hpcnode12 | OK (job-busy) / GPU Node | 2 | ||
hpcnode13 | OK (free) / | 0 | ||
hpcnode14 | OK (free) / | 0 | ||
i3node01 | OK (free) / | 0 |
Status on 2024.12.22 at 04:09:02 am